Model of Scan angle ---------------------------- input data: single return of denoised ALS point cloud without electric wires and poles data format: LAS coordinate system: ETRS89 UTM Zone 32N number of points: 24 962 891 The input data was created by "las2las" tool (LAStools software, where the "single return points" were extracted using filter settings "keep single". The resulting point cloud was reduced by a spatial step of 0.1 m using "Subsample a point cloud" tool in CloudCompare software. Model of Reflectance processing software: "Topo to Raster" tool (ArcGIS Pro software) processing parameters: field "scan_angle", cell size "0.1 m", output format ".tif" output data: raster Model of Scan angle data format: .tif coordinate system: ETRS89 UTM Zone 32N spatial resolution: 0.1 m