Atmospheric Correction Parameter Calculator Input summary ------------- Date (yyyy-mm-dd): 2016-06-30 Lat/Long: 48.719/ 21.259 GMT Time: 9:43 L8 TIRS Band 10 Spectral Response Curve Mid-latitude summer standard atmosphere User input surface conditions Surface altitude (km): 0.300000 Surface pressure (mb): 989.400 Surface temperature (C): 28.5000 Surface relative humidity (%): 37.9800 Output summary -------------- Band average atmospheric transmission: 0.78 Effective bandpass upwelling radiance: 1.82 W/m^2/sr/um Effective bandpass downwelling radiance: 3.00 W/m^2/sr/um Atmospheric Profile Summary --------------------------- User selected to use the profile generated by interpolating between the surrounding four profiles Profile used: Altitude Pressure Temperature Rel Humidity (km) (mb) (C) (%) 0.300 989.400 28.500 37.980 0.355 983.765 28.022 38.296 0.380 981.221 27.806 38.439 0.581 960.805 26.072 39.585 0.813 937.217 24.070 40.909 1.049 913.172 22.028 42.259 1.538 863.486 17.810 45.048 2.048 811.631 13.408 47.959 2.582 757.333 8.798 51.008 3.145 700.000 3.930 54.226 3.745 650.000 1.651 32.767 4.386 600.000 -1.349 21.226 5.073 550.000 -5.711 17.545 5.813 500.000 -10.966 19.536 6.612 450.000 -17.333 28.586 7.482 400.000 -24.070 28.630 8.442 350.000 -31.312 34.295 9.514 300.000 -39.736 60.247 10.733 250.000 -49.985 81.230 12.156 200.000 -59.038 68.268 13.976 150.000 -54.531 3.229 16.571 100.000 -55.292 2.000 18.839 70.000 -55.589 1.000 20.988 50.000 -53.872 1.000 24.300 30.000 -49.631 1.000 26.972 20.000 -46.214 1.000 31.659 10.000 -37.594 1.000 35.000 6.520 -27.950 0.010 40.000 3.330 -15.650 0.006 45.000 1.760 -3.250 0.003 50.000 0.951 2.550 0.002 70.000 0.067 -55.050 0.001 100.000 0.000 -82.650 0.016 Below follow the model profiles for the surrounding integer lat/longs and for the 2 surrounding times -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following four profiles are for the integer lat/long corners on 2016-06-30 at GMT 6:00 At 48 North 21 East Relative Zonal Meridional Altitude Pressure Temperature Humidity Wind Wind (km) (mb) (deg C) (%) (m/sec) (m/sec) 0.092 1005.2 28.25 47.0 -999.00 -999.00 0.138 1000.0 24.15 47.0 1.05 -0.36 0.358 975.0 21.85 51.0 1.51 -0.46 0.583 950.0 20.55 49.0 2.40 -0.58 0.813 925.0 19.15 49.0 2.66 -0.90 1.048 900.0 17.45 53.0 2.67 -1.39 1.533 850.0 13.75 60.0 2.50 -2.42 2.041 800.0 10.15 59.0 1.44 -2.44 2.575 750.0 6.95 51.0 1.56 -2.45 3.138 700.0 4.15 41.0 2.01 -2.89 3.738 650.0 1.85 22.0 3.44 -3.97 4.380 600.0 -1.05 15.0 3.63 -3.16 5.068 550.0 -5.05 16.0 4.86 -1.37 5.809 500.0 -10.35 15.0 7.20 -0.27 6.610 450.0 -16.85 19.0 8.66 0.43 7.481 400.0 -24.05 28.0 9.13 0.60 8.440 350.0 -31.65 30.0 10.00 -0.30 9.511 300.0 -40.05 37.0 13.40 -1.50 10.728 250.0 -50.35 79.0 14.00 -1.80 12.153 200.0 -58.05 54.0 14.40 -0.60 13.971 150.0 -55.55 3.0 8.30 4.60 16.561 100.0 -55.45 2.0 3.83 6.38 18.825 70.0 -56.25 -999.0 0.15 5.39 20.971 50.0 -54.25 -999.0 -3.80 3.68 24.276 30.0 -49.85 -999.0 -6.30 2.00 26.947 20.0 -46.35 -999.0 -11.60 0.40 31.623 10.0 -38.85 -999.0 -15.90 0.00 Pressure Reduced to MSL (mb) 1016.3 Pressure @tropopause (mb) 201.1 Altitude @tropopause (km) 12.118 Temperature @tropopause (deg C) -57.95 Column Water (cm) 2.28 Cloud Cover 0.0% At 48 North 22 East Relative Zonal Meridional Altitude Pressure Temperature Humidity Wind Wind (km) (mb) (deg C) (%) (m/sec) (m/sec) 0.127 1001.3 24.55 57.0 -999.00 -999.00 0.139 1000.0 22.15 55.0 -0.57 -0.60 0.358 975.0 20.05 58.0 -0.13 -1.21 0.582 950.0 20.25 49.0 1.65 -2.75 0.812 925.0 18.95 52.0 2.14 -3.10 1.047 900.0 17.25 57.0 1.76 -3.46 1.532 850.0 13.55 68.0 0.38 -4.22 2.039 800.0 9.75 71.0 0.66 -4.13 2.572 750.0 6.75 59.0 1.64 -4.11 3.136 700.0 4.35 46.0 1.60 -2.72 3.736 650.0 1.75 32.0 2.28 -2.74 4.378 600.0 -0.75 16.0 3.51 -3.51 5.068 550.0 -4.65 15.0 3.98 -2.43 5.810 500.0 -10.25 19.0 6.12 -1.39 6.610 450.0 -16.85 21.0 7.87 -0.72 7.482 400.0 -23.95 22.0 8.34 -0.90 8.441 350.0 -31.55 30.0 8.70 -1.20 9.512 300.0 -40.25 37.0 10.90 -2.90 10.728 250.0 -50.35 83.0 12.00 -2.30 12.154 200.0 -57.65 48.0 13.50 -1.00 13.976 150.0 -55.15 3.0 7.70 5.00 16.567 100.0 -55.65 2.0 3.42 6.36 18.829 70.0 -56.25 -999.0 0.13 5.51 20.974 50.0 -54.35 -999.0 -3.99 3.75 24.278 30.0 -49.95 -999.0 -6.50 2.00 26.948 20.0 -46.45 -999.0 -11.70 0.50 31.623 10.0 -38.85 -999.0 -15.80 0.10 Pressure Reduced to MSL (mb) 1016.6 Pressure @tropopause (mb) 204.0 Altitude @tropopause (km) 12.027 Temperature @tropopause (deg C) -57.35 Column Water (cm) 2.47 Cloud Cover 0.0% At 49 North 21 East Relative Zonal Meridional Altitude Pressure Temperature Humidity Wind Wind (km) (mb) (deg C) (%) (m/sec) (m/sec) 0.490 960.1 22.25 62.0 -999.00 -999.00 -999.000 -999.0 -999.00 -999.0 -999.00 -999.00 -999.000 -999.0 -999.00 -999.0 -999.00 -999.00 0.581 950.0 20.05 58.0 0.49 -0.31 0.810 925.0 18.55 58.0 0.51 -0.60 1.045 900.0 17.55 56.0 -0.08 -1.35 1.531 850.0 13.95 63.0 -0.40 -2.12 2.039 800.0 9.95 67.0 1.10 -2.03 2.572 750.0 6.35 60.0 2.34 -2.81 3.134 700.0 3.15 51.0 3.56 -2.44 3.733 650.0 1.35 29.0 5.11 -2.00 4.374 600.0 -1.25 17.0 5.12 -1.94 5.061 550.0 -5.65 18.0 5.34 -0.55 5.800 500.0 -11.25 24.0 7.52 1.36 6.598 450.0 -17.55 32.0 9.99 1.97 7.468 400.0 -24.35 36.0 11.14 1.80 8.426 350.0 -31.75 45.0 11.90 1.80 9.496 300.0 -40.25 65.0 12.10 0.20 10.712 250.0 -50.65 91.0 13.30 -0.30 12.134 200.0 -58.05 52.0 15.90 1.00 13.958 150.0 -54.65 3.0 9.20 5.50 16.555 100.0 -55.05 2.0 3.93 6.66 18.824 70.0 -55.65 -999.0 0.05 5.60 20.974 50.0 -53.85 -999.0 -3.90 3.92 24.285 30.0 -49.55 -999.0 -6.30 2.10 26.959 20.0 -46.15 -999.0 -11.40 0.60 31.639 10.0 -38.65 -999.0 -15.80 0.10 Pressure Reduced to MSL (mb) 1016.4 Pressure @tropopause (mb) 205.8 Altitude @tropopause (km) 11.954 Temperature @tropopause (deg C) -57.65 Column Water (cm) 2.14 Cloud Cover 0.0% At 49 North 22 East Relative Zonal Meridional Altitude Pressure Temperature Humidity Wind Wind (km) (mb) (deg C) (%) (m/sec) (m/sec) 0.332 977.9 23.35 51.0 -999.00 -999.00 -999.000 -999.0 -999.00 -999.0 -999.00 -999.00 0.358 975.0 21.65 47.0 0.15 -0.01 0.582 950.0 19.55 48.0 0.18 -0.41 0.811 925.0 18.75 46.0 0.37 -0.87 1.046 900.0 17.15 53.0 0.11 -1.50 1.530 850.0 13.45 66.0 0.21 -3.06 2.038 800.0 9.75 64.0 1.74 -3.87 2.571 750.0 6.55 55.0 2.67 -3.75 3.134 700.0 3.75 53.0 2.71 -2.85 3.733 650.0 1.35 43.0 3.02 -1.75 4.374 600.0 -1.15 28.0 3.86 -0.95 5.063 550.0 -5.25 21.0 4.78 -0.63 5.803 500.0 -10.95 24.0 7.11 -0.14 6.601 450.0 -17.35 32.0 8.99 0.24 7.472 400.0 -24.25 37.0 9.70 0.40 8.430 350.0 -31.85 46.0 10.80 0.30 9.499 300.0 -40.45 65.0 11.90 -1.10 10.714 250.0 -50.65 90.0 14.40 -2.60 12.137 200.0 -57.75 49.0 16.40 0.20 13.965 150.0 -54.25 2.0 8.80 5.90 16.562 100.0 -55.25 2.0 3.56 6.65 18.830 70.0 -55.65 -999.0 0.07 5.68 20.979 50.0 -53.95 -999.0 -4.10 4.00 24.288 30.0 -49.65 -999.0 -6.40 2.10 26.961 20.0 -46.15 -999.0 -11.50 0.60 31.640 10.0 -38.65 -999.0 -15.70 0.20 Pressure Reduced to MSL (mb) 1016.6 Pressure @tropopause (mb) 207.7 Altitude @tropopause (km) 11.899 Temperature @tropopause (deg C) -57.45 Column Water (cm) 2.25 Cloud Cover 0.0% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following four profiles are for the integer lat/long corners on 2016-06-30 at GMT 12:00 At 48 North 21 East Relative Zonal Meridional Altitude Pressure Temperature Humidity Wind Wind (km) (mb) (deg C) (%) (m/sec) (m/sec) 0.092 1004.3 38.95 30.0 -999.00 -999.00 0.130 1000.0 29.45 31.0 0.74 0.74 0.355 975.0 27.05 35.0 0.81 0.67 0.583 950.0 24.75 39.0 0.88 0.53 0.816 925.0 22.45 43.0 0.96 0.37 1.053 900.0 20.15 48.0 1.04 0.17 1.543 850.0 15.45 60.0 1.19 -0.34 2.053 800.0 10.55 76.0 1.26 -1.18 2.587 750.0 6.85 69.0 0.41 -2.93 3.151 700.0 4.75 38.0 0.39 -2.84 3.752 650.0 2.15 23.0 1.15 -1.05 4.394 600.0 -1.15 17.0 2.35 1.11 5.082 550.0 -5.15 15.0 3.74 2.23 5.823 500.0 -10.75 29.0 5.46 3.09 6.623 450.0 -17.15 37.0 7.37 5.00 7.494 400.0 -23.65 38.0 7.27 6.20 8.455 350.0 -30.95 53.0 7.80 4.70 9.530 300.0 -39.15 86.0 11.60 3.30 10.752 250.0 -49.25 92.0 14.20 2.80 12.176 200.0 -59.85 79.0 15.10 2.80 13.989 150.0 -54.95 2.0 7.70 6.10 16.579 100.0 -55.65 2.0 4.80 6.27 18.843 70.0 -55.95 -999.0 0.47 5.56 20.990 50.0 -54.15 -999.0 -3.00 4.75 24.299 30.0 -49.75 -999.0 -8.20 2.10 26.968 20.0 -46.35 -999.0 -9.60 2.00 31.655 10.0 -37.45 -999.0 -13.90 1.60 Pressure Reduced to MSL (mb) 1015.7 Pressure @tropopause (mb) 199.2 Altitude @tropopause (km) 12.201 Temperature @tropopause (deg C) -59.95 Column Water (cm) 2.56 Cloud Cover 0.0% At 48 North 22 East Relative Zonal Meridional Altitude Pressure Temperature Humidity Wind Wind (km) (mb) (deg C) (%) (m/sec) (m/sec) 0.127 1000.6 31.45 41.0 -999.00 -999.00 0.133 1000.0 28.25 38.0 1.49 -1.06 0.357 975.0 25.85 42.0 1.62 -1.21 0.585 950.0 23.65 46.0 1.61 -1.28 0.817 925.0 21.35 51.0 1.57 -1.35 1.053 900.0 19.05 57.0 1.51 -1.44 1.541 850.0 14.55 70.0 1.41 -1.76 2.050 800.0 10.65 66.0 0.56 -3.27 2.585 750.0 7.55 55.0 0.22 -3.52 3.150 700.0 4.75 46.0 0.98 -1.65 3.751 650.0 2.35 28.0 1.38 -0.58 4.395 600.0 -0.35 14.0 2.33 0.73 5.084 550.0 -4.65 12.0 3.22 1.68 5.826 500.0 -10.35 17.0 4.74 1.39 6.626 450.0 -17.05 30.0 6.93 2.70 7.498 400.0 -23.75 30.0 7.68 4.60 8.459 350.0 -30.95 37.0 7.70 3.40 9.533 300.0 -39.45 78.0 11.50 0.70 10.754 250.0 -49.35 80.0 14.40 -0.60 12.178 200.0 -59.35 73.0 14.90 1.10 13.994 150.0 -55.05 2.0 7.20 6.10 16.584 100.0 -55.65 2.0 4.50 6.27 18.847 70.0 -56.05 -999.0 0.18 5.71 20.993 50.0 -54.25 -999.0 -3.01 4.89 24.301 30.0 -49.95 -999.0 -8.10 2.10 26.969 20.0 -46.45 -999.0 -9.80 1.80 31.655 10.0 -37.55 -999.0 -14.00 1.50 Pressure Reduced to MSL (mb) 1016.1 Pressure @tropopause (mb) 200.5 Altitude @tropopause (km) 12.162 Temperature @tropopause (deg C) -59.35 Column Water (cm) 2.61 Cloud Cover 0.0% At 49 North 21 East Relative Zonal Meridional Altitude Pressure Temperature Humidity Wind Wind (km) (mb) (deg C) (%) (m/sec) (m/sec) 0.490 959.7 28.45 45.0 -999.00 -999.00 -999.000 -999.0 -999.00 -999.0 -999.00 -999.00 -999.000 -999.0 -999.00 -999.0 -999.00 -999.00 0.580 950.0 25.05 42.0 -1.32 0.48 0.813 925.0 22.75 47.0 -1.27 0.41 1.050 900.0 20.35 52.0 -1.08 0.26 1.540 850.0 15.55 66.0 -0.50 -0.18 2.051 800.0 10.65 84.0 0.50 -1.05 2.585 750.0 6.65 86.0 3.11 -3.60 3.149 700.0 3.65 69.0 4.30 -4.08 3.748 650.0 1.45 40.0 3.19 -2.70 4.389 600.0 -1.75 26.0 2.76 1.24 5.075 550.0 -6.25 19.0 3.62 3.83 5.813 500.0 -11.15 17.0 6.42 4.19 6.612 450.0 -17.45 27.0 8.61 5.00 7.483 400.0 -24.05 23.0 9.07 5.80 8.443 350.0 -31.15 26.0 10.20 4.10 9.516 300.0 -39.55 55.0 13.40 2.10 10.736 250.0 -49.85 77.0 16.90 1.80 12.157 200.0 -59.55 76.0 17.30 3.90 13.977 150.0 -54.25 4.0 8.70 6.30 16.572 100.0 -55.25 2.0 4.78 6.73 18.842 70.0 -55.35 -999.0 0.24 6.00 20.993 50.0 -53.75 -999.0 -2.62 4.97 24.307 30.0 -49.55 -999.0 -8.40 2.30 26.979 20.0 -46.15 -999.0 -9.40 2.10 31.671 10.0 -37.05 -999.0 -13.80 1.80 Pressure Reduced to MSL (mb) 1015.5 Pressure @tropopause (mb) 202.6 Altitude @tropopause (km) 12.078 Temperature @tropopause (deg C) -59.25 Column Water (cm) 2.55 Cloud Cover 0.0% At 49 North 22 East Relative Zonal Meridional Altitude Pressure Temperature Humidity Wind Wind (km) (mb) (deg C) (%) (m/sec) (m/sec) 0.332 977.3 30.25 37.0 -999.00 -999.00 -999.000 -999.0 -999.00 -999.0 -999.00 -999.00 0.353 975.0 27.05 34.0 1.82 -0.23 0.581 950.0 24.65 38.0 1.91 -0.47 0.814 925.0 22.35 42.0 1.74 -0.78 1.051 900.0 20.05 47.0 1.49 -1.14 1.540 850.0 15.35 59.0 0.88 -2.15 2.050 800.0 10.65 71.0 0.28 -3.58 2.584 750.0 6.65 64.0 0.66 -4.48 3.148 700.0 4.75 32.0 1.86 -2.38 3.749 650.0 2.05 22.0 2.32 -0.45 4.391 600.0 -1.05 17.0 3.17 1.29 5.079 550.0 -5.45 16.0 4.31 2.91 5.818 500.0 -10.75 17.0 6.53 3.01 6.618 450.0 -17.15 26.0 8.47 3.10 7.488 400.0 -24.15 29.0 9.02 3.70 8.448 350.0 -31.35 32.0 9.90 3.00 9.520 300.0 -39.75 55.0 13.00 0.80 10.739 250.0 -49.95 74.0 16.50 -0.40 12.162 200.0 -58.95 69.0 16.90 1.70 13.984 150.0 -54.55 3.0 8.30 6.50 16.580 100.0 -55.25 2.0 4.51 6.67 18.848 70.0 -55.55 -999.0 0.00 6.06 20.998 50.0 -53.75 -999.0 -2.72 5.08 24.311 30.0 -49.65 -999.0 -8.20 2.30 26.982 20.0 -46.25 -999.0 -9.50 1.90 31.672 10.0 -37.25 -999.0 -13.90 1.70 Pressure Reduced to MSL (mb) 1015.9 Pressure @tropopause (mb) 203.4 Altitude @tropopause (km) 12.055 Temperature @tropopause (deg C) -58.55 Column Water (cm) 2.19 Cloud Cover 0.0%